Your Happy Video Headquarters
Watch Today's Video & Browse Our Archives

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

There's nothing like a happy video to lift your spirits, raise your energy level and put a spring in your step. That's exactly what we want to do for you here, because the better you feel, the more you have to offer to the world around you.

Take some time to watch each of these videos. They were carefully selected for their quality and their message, which can basically be summarized in this way:

  • Life is beautiful
  • You are beautiful
  • Celebrate the beauty of life and it will reveal its gifts to you

Now enjoy...

Your Featured Video Of Today

The Avett Brothers - No Hard Feelings

You Have Greatness Within You


A Year Of Good News

Good News

Innovation In Art & Design

Breakfast Lunch And Hugs


The Power Of Compliments

Power of Compliments

You Have Every Reason For Optimism

Dance Around The World Backwards

Global Dance

The Writing's On The Wall


Each of these "stories in motion" points to what happens when people come together bringing an
open and giving heart. There is truly genius and great goodness in the heart and soul of every human being, and the more we invite, express and celebrate that goodness, the more it will emerge and grow.

Because you are here, participating in these good emotions, you will be brighter, kinder and more energetic for the rest of your day or night. Joy builds on joy, so keep it going!

A happy video a day...

just might keep the doctor away. The warmth you feel in your heart while watching and listening is good for you. The smiles, the tears of joy and the feelings of connection you experience are almost as beneficial to you as if you yourself had the experiences that you were watching.

Hopefully, the good feelings brought on by our Goodfinding stories, perspectives and videos will inspire and encourage you to go and create your own moments of beauty, happiness and collaborative fun.

These next videos were selected specifically to increase your happiness and enthusiasm for life, which are the best motivators of all.

The "Happy" Song Music Video

Why Walk When You Can Dance?

Keep coming back to this page
, to see our updates and refreshes. We'll be changing the selections out regularly, and adding new ones as we discover them.

We really hope you'll make this your uplifting, inspiring video headquarters. In addition to the videos actually shown on the page, we will link to other pages with other videos.

And I must point out one of the best sources I know of for uplifting stories of all kinds. You'll find plenty of happy videos on Good TV, a part of

Happy videos show an explosion of goodness in this world...

and we want you to be on the
leading edge of these exciting developments with us.

It is an uplifting experience to see so many bright and beautiful people adding to the joy and well being we all need and want. Join in and become a part of this wonderful positive revolution!

If you register for our email newsletter, you'll receive monthly ezines, including links to great things happening all over the world. If you prefer not to provide your email, or if you just want more immediate information, you can subscribe to our blog, where you will receive immediate updates of all new videos, additions and changes to the website.

Subscribe to our blog or newsletter for regular updates.

Remember, as our logo suggests, the explosion of goodness is right there inside you. The reasons you like what you see on these videos is because it's a reflection of the very same wonderful qualities in you.

This movement toward building, developing and increasing the good in the world is gaining momentum daily. The more you focus on it and become part of what's happening, the more you will benefit!

More Great Video Pages For You

Uplifting Videos -- Learn about all of the benefits of being uplifted, inspired and encouraged, while watching our videos that are the best of the best at lifting your spirits and filling your heart with enthusiasm.

Happy Video Archives -- Review, browse and search through all of the past Happy Videos that have been posted on this page. Use this page to find old favorites, or just to refresh those great feelings of happiness.

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