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"We really hope you'll join us in this wonderful adventure of finding, focusing on and building the good in our inner and outer worlds."

William DeFoore

Jul 05, 2024

Catch It In The Moment

My Beautiful Joey

Dogs communicate their love in ways that transcend words. It’s in the excited wag of their tail when you walk through the door, the gentle nuzzle when

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Jun 19, 2024

Goodfinding Workshop June 30th!

goodfinding workshop
Register Now for Goodfinding workshop, in person or online! Take a deep dive into the amazing realms of your brilliant mind and emotional body. You will discover road maps through the sometimes baffling world of your mental and emotional processes, and how to bring these processes into full alignment with your good heart and bright intentions. This session will also help you to understand and master the relationship between your mind and your body, so that you can stay healthy, vibrant, and strong as you step into your own magnificence in the life that lies ahead for you.

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May 09, 2024

Mental Health podcast with Dr. DeFoore and Sir Billy Dorsey

Check out this podcast, an interview with me and Sir Billy Dorsey at the Peerfest Conference in Grapevine. We had a great conversation about our personal journeys, and what led us to our current work in the field of mental health.

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Dec 13, 2023

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece Like most Americans, 2020 brought challenges to my household (some exceedingly difficult and some trivial–but neither without life lessons

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Sep 23, 2023

Overcoming Painful Adversity and Paying It Forward

In the Summer of 2001, my whole life changed. I left the business world to pursue my master’s degree in counselling and noticed that my head was slightly

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May 14, 2023

Getting Unleashed

Twinkles at sunset watching surfers

Imagine the Feeling of “Getting Unleashed” Diminutive Dog’s ambitious adventure will motivate you to develop an enlightened mindset. Hola, long hair

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Mar 11, 2023

Interview with Dr. DeFoore about his new book Goodfinding on The Way Home with Laura Smith

Goodfinding book
My dear friend Laura Smith interviewed me about my book Goodfinding: A User's Guide to EQ and Your Brilliant Mind on her radio show, The Way Home with Laura Smith. It was a great conversation!

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Jan 04, 2023

From Cerebral Palsy To Capable Person

Dr. Ritesh Sinha

From the boy who was refused admission in most schools in his town, to a person who has shaped many careers in the field of computer science, developed

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Dec 21, 2022

Peace And Gratitude

There was a time I thought I’d never have this. The toughest time ever was when I had found my beautiful daughters had been “hurt.” Dr DeFoore asked

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Nov 27, 2022

Christmas Miracle 2005

I have to begin in April 2005 when I was diagnosed with a severe mitral valve regurgitation. I was told by the head thoracic surgeon at the Univ. of PA

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Aug 16, 2022

Suffering In Endurance

IRONMAN 70.3 DESARU 2022 Sunday, July 24, 2022, Race Day. It was a sunny morning, I was standing with beautiful people, excited but quite nervous.

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Jul 16, 2022

Back to Basics Math Oh No!

A whole year in algebra and my teacher informed me that I didn't pass the class. It was three months before and I got up my nerve to speak up one day

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Jan 19, 2022

Five Generations, Brain Surgery & Living My Purpose

I have so many wonderful and unique things and events in my life to be grateful for as well as grateful in spite of. It is my hope that my sense of gratefulness

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Oct 22, 2021

Overalls in Heaven

Early this morning, when I started my car to go to work, my dashboard crudely reported that one of my tires was low. I was unsure if it was typical seasonal

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Aug 06, 2021

My Miracle Journey

My name is Carina Imbrogno. I’m a self-taught, disabled and inspirational artist who discovered my passion for art six years ago when I almost lost my

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