Your Goodfinding Community Online
No Obligation - Just Opportunity

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Join Goodfinding Community Online to grow and expand the happiness, energy and enthusiasm in your life and in the lives of others. No cost, no obligation, just a chance to spread the joy!

Happiness (and all emotions) are contagious, so why not spread the good stuff? You'll be doing something good for everybody else here, and you'll get great benefit yourself.

There are lots of ways to get involved...let's take a look at some of those now.

Share Your Stories, Questions And Videos

your story

Tell Your Story

We want to hear from you! Pick from a variety of topics, or just tell the story that's on your mind. Share the happiness!

your question

Ask Your Question

Got a question about happiness, how to stay positive, or how to create happy relationships? Ask your question now!

your happy video

Share Your Video

Please share your own videos, or videos you have found online. All I need is a link, nothing complicated here!

I really hope you'll give this a try. It can be lots of fun, and maybe even become a highlight of your day or week for some time to come!

Some of the submissions will become web pages...that's right, your very own web page! And your suggested quotes and videos might be featured in our Daily Goodfinding Quotes email and on our Happy Video page.

You can follow the links above for detailed information on each of these options, and here's a brief overview for you now:

  • Tell your story - It can be something from your own personal experience, from your childhood, more recent past or something going on right now. You can tell stories you've heard, or describe positive events you've seen. It's wide open!

  • Ask your question - Have a question about happiness, or what it takes to be happy more of the time? Or, are you curious about Emotional Intelligence, and how to increase yours? Ask away, and you just might get an answer on a web page, where you're the primary author.

  • Share your video - Do you have a video that you made, or ran across that inspires, uplifts, or brings a smile? Please feel free to share it, and we might post it and add it to our Happy Video Archives for others to enjoy. You've got nothing to lose, and some good feelings to gain!

And that's not all! Keep scrolling down on this page, to find out more about how to join in with the Goodfinding Community Online.

Share The Good With Goodfinding Community Online

There's more! You can also suggest your favorite happy, inspirational or uplifting quote, by you, someone you know, or your favorite famous person. Then you might just see it in one of your Daily Goodfinding Quotes emails, (which you can sign up for now, if you haven't already).

This is your chance to grow your own happiness, and add to the happiness of the world around you. And we all need it, right? So jump in wherever you want to, and get started.

daily goodfinding quotes

Get Daily Positive Quotes

Receive positive, uplifting, encouraging quotes and videos every day in your email inbox, when you sign up for this free service.

Suggest A Great Quote

Please send us any and all positive, uplifting, encouraging and insightful quotes, and you might see them in your daily email!

goodfinding newsletter

Newsletter Signup

Get the monthly Goodfinding Newsletter, with short articles about how to increase your gratitude, appreciation & optimism.

Goodfinding Blog

Sign up to receive regular updates when we add web pages or other Goodfinding blog posts to keep on that positive track you want.

So, there you have it. More ways to get involved and expand the goodness with the Goodfinding Community Online. Choose one or all of the above as ways to connect.

Send us a great positive quote, follow our blog, or join in with our 3,350 current subscribers who are receiving the daily quotes and monthly newsletter. This world needs as much positive input as it can get, and you get to be part of that, right here!

Join Goodfinding Community Online With Social Media

Have lots of fun with uplifting, entertaining and inspiring quotes, videos, stories and photos, always keeping it positive!

Read tweets from both of our web sites, including moving stories, uplifting messages and great images/videos.

Here you can peruse all of our helpful charts, diagrams, soothing images and inspirational messages to help you find the good.

Watch a variety of videos giving an overview of Goodfinding, journaling, overcoming anxiety, and many other great topics.

Researchers at Harvard University and University of California, San Diego have documented how happiness spreads through social networks--just like the ones listed above. Obviously, we're online here, but lots of good things can start this way, and you never know what real-life connections might result.

Eleven easy, no pressure ways for you to expand the good in your life and the world around you. Take some time to explore each possibility, and see what suits you best.

Thanks for all of the good you already do, and thanks for checking out the Goodfinding Community Online.

More Great Goodfinding Articles

Happiness Resources - An excellent collection of positive, uplifting news and information to keep you informed about all of the wonderful things happening all over the world, all of the time.

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